Sergio Tacchini is a heritage athletics brand founded in 1966 by Italian tennis champion Sergio Tacchini. The brand focuses on traditional sports and lifestyle apparel to be worn both on and off the court recognized by infusing bright color into their clothing. The goal of this project was to enhance styling, storytelling, and increasing ease of shop-ability and product selection. I was contracted to work on the PDP and PLP of this project in collaboration with C.URL Digital Design Studio.

CLIENT: Sergio Tacchini

collaboration with C.URL Digital Design Studio

Sergrio Tachinni main mock up.jpg

Increased AOV & Conversion through enhanced PLP updates.

We added filtering such as size, color, etc. as well as the ability to sort by best selling, prices (low to high, vice versa, and featured.

PLP desk&mob.jpg

Improved shop-ability and product selections in both mobile and desktop

We enhanced the PDP through adjusting the layout of selectors such as the size and color options. We created an easier shopping experience and increased AOV by moving related products above recently viewed. Supported the story telling goal by adding instagram images as well to show customers real-life imagery of products they’re interested in.
